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EuroPreArt specific bibliography
France - Gironde, Grotte de Mitrot
5 title/s found
ANONYMOUS, 1984 . L'art des cavernes. Atlas des grottes ornées paléolithiques françaises , Ministère de la Culture , Paris
LENOIR M., 1979 . Les Industries du Paléolithique supérieur terminal des basses vallées de la Dordogne et de la Garonne , in La fin des temps glaciaires en Europe, Colloque international du CNRS, 271, Talence, 1977 , CNRS , Paris , pag. 401-423
NABER F.B., BERENGER D.J., ZALLES-FLOSSBACH C., 1976 . L'Art pariétal paléolithique en Europe romane , in Bonner Hefte zur Vorgeschichte, 14-16 , Instituts fur Vor- und Frühgeschichte der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität , Bonn
PIGANEAU E., 1897 . Essai de répertoire archéologique du département de la Gironde , in Société archéologique de Bordeaux, t. 22 , pag. 1-26, 65-114, 126-154
ROUSSOT-LAROQUE J., ROUSSOT A., 1973 . Gravure pariétale dans la grotte de Mitrot à Lugasson (Gironde) , in Gallia préhistoire, t. 16, fasc. 1 , pag. 327-331

RECOMMENDED LINK (external): Rock Art Studies, a Bibliographic worldwide Database. Compiled by Leigh Marymor. Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by the Library, University of California, Berkeley

EuroPreArt, European Prehistoric Art, is a web-based archaeological project funded by the European Union which aims to establish a lasting data-base of European prehistoric art documentation, to launch the base of an European institutional network and to contribute to the awareness of the diversity and richness of European Prehistoric Art.| CONTACT |
Instituto Politécnico de Tomar - Portugal CUEBC - European University Centre for Cultural Heritage, Ravello - Italy CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid - Spain Orme dell'Uomo - Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica - Italy Asociación Cultural Colectivo Barbaón, Extremadura -Spain Liège University - Belgium Gotland University - Sweden University College Dublin - Ireland CeSMAP - Centro Studi e Museo d'Arte Preistorica. Pinerolo, Italy Arqueo Jovem - Portugal